Meet other fellow attendees by posting on the photo and testimonial walls during the event!

Swag and Prizes are part of the day’s fun!

Schedule virtual 1:1 meetings at the Career Fair

Check out our immersive and lifelike virtual setting!


The Event

This event is not about job placement but rather career exploration!
Each year PCF Scholars have the opportunity to VIRTUALLY meet with professionals from a variety of industries to explore fields and professions that they may not have been exposed to or considered before.

Illuminating Pathways
Our event isn't about job placements; it's all about exploring career paths! Every year, PCF Scholars have the chance to virtually connect with professionals from various industries, discovering fields and professions they might not have considered before.

Our Invitation to You
If you're a business professional, we warmly invite you to participate in this event. By sharing insights into career paths and workforce readiness, you can help broaden our scholars' understanding of the workplace and the range of career options available to them. Your conversations can truly be life-changing for the first-generation college scholars you'll meet, supporting their journey to find fulfilling careers after college.

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July 13, 2024 10:00

Opening and welcome session for scholars

We are here to welcome you to the day and answer any questions you may have before your first meeting.

July 13, 2024 10:00

Opening and welcome session for volunteers

We are here to welcome you to the day and address any questions you may have before your first meeting.

July 13, 2024 10:00

Tech support services for scholars

We will be offering “live” tech support to help you with each of your meetings should you need our assistance. You may come in and out as needed.

July 13, 2024 10:00

Tech support services for volunteers

We will be offering “live” tech support to help you with each of your meetings should you need our assistance. You may come in and out as needed.

Meet our
Corporate Partners

Without the support from our corporate partners like this, we wouldn’t be able to hold this important event each year, as the underwrite the costs involved. So please join me in acknowledging our event sponsors this year. Thank you for believing in our mission and supporting the communities that we serve!

Have Questions?

Browse through the FAQ page to quickly find the answers you need, saving you time and effort.


for Support

  • Be aware of your body language – remember to welcome the scholar in a friendly, yet professional manner as this can set the tone for the whole interview.
  • Feel free to get down to business – some students may find the small talk in the beginning of the interview intimidating. You can help them by asking “So, what did you want to learn today?”
  • Some scholars may forget how to begin the interview – if you notice this, you can help them out by introducing yourself and providing some background information about your profession.
  • A teaching moment – You may feel inclined to coach the scholar on what to say. Instead, if you notice they appear rushed or flustered, remind them to take their time. You can always offer to return to a question later if you think they are having difficulties in presenting themself.